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歌曲名為《醒來》, 童音禪語, 令人似醒似悟……. 唱歌的小女孩是外國人,不識中文, 卻能字正腔圓,好厲害! 第一句就點出了人生真義~從生到死有多遠•••,從迷到悟有多遠••••)非常棒喔 ! 與您分享(70秒之後就全是中文)


(up)How far from birth to death,
is in the length of our breath

How far from confusion to consonance,
when comes a sudden chance

How far? from love to hate,
you can’t anticipate

How far from then or now,
when laughter spreads somehow

How far from you and me forgiveness only

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